Pet Loss Support Resources

We offer two ways to get the support you need for the loss of your pet, whether you’re anticipating the loss or grieving for an animal who has already died. The SPCA pet loss support group provides a safe space for people to share their stories about their pets. You can also schedule a personal session with Pet Chaplain founder and support group facilitator Rob Gierka, EdD, who is a non-denominational veterinary chaplain who has been practicing since 2004.

SPCA Pet Loss Support Group

Meeting Details

We meet via Zoom every third Sunday of the month
3:30 to 5:30 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time)
Attendance is free

What to expect

Participants in the group share stories about their pets and provide support to each other. You can remain silent and simply listen if you would like. Feel free to bring photos of your pet to share as well as favorite poems and reflections. The discussion is usually unstructured and flows from the stories and photos that are shared. The support group is facilitated by Pet Chaplain founder Rob Gierka.

Sharing Guidelines

  • Confidentiality is required. What is said in the group stays in the group.
  • Respect others and listen without judgment. Everyone grieves in their own way, and everyone’s loss is different, so it is important to respect others’ feelings and thoughts. Use “I” statements when sharing your own story.
  • Recognize that thoughts and feelings are not right or wrong. Avoid telling someone else how they should or should not feel.
  • Do not give unsolicited advice. If someone asks specifically for advice on how to deal with a challenge, then you can share from your own experience of what worked or did not work for you.
  • Avoid “cross talk” (e.g., side conversations) or steering the conversation into unrelated topics.
  • Sharing time should be shared. When sharing your story, be cognizant of others’ need to share.

Zoom Meeting Information

Click the following link to join the Zoom meeting via smartphone, tablet, or computer.
Meeting ID: 634 714 732

When you enter the meeting, you will be asked to confirm your name and email address. Your information is not used for any other purpose than entry to the Zoom meeting. Once you have registered, you will not need to register again to attend future meetings. After entering, wait for the host to start the meeting.

Telephone (audio-only) attendance
Find your local number:

Private Meeting with Rob Gierka, EdD

If you need more personal attention or you can’t wait for the next support group session, you can schedule a 50-minute Zoom meeting with support group facilitator Rob Gierka. Rob is an experienced interfaith veterinary chaplain who has been supporting people who’ve lost pets for more than two decades.

Rob offers pastoral guidance and support for pet-loss grief with sensitivity to your unique spiritual needs. Veterinary chaplaincy is based on storytelling, and Rob is skilled at helping you tell your sacred story about a companion animal you love. Research has shown that sharing your story about your pet provides emotional and spiritual healing. Whether you’re anticipating the imminent loss of a pet, grieving for a pet who was recently lost, or if you need to discuss a loss that happened years ago, Rob can help you gain fresh insight into your experience. Together, you’ll explore your connection with your pet, review the social interactions that shape your grief journey, and discuss helpful coping strategies.

Rob is open to a discussion about spiritual questions, whether you practice a faith tradition or consider yourself agnostic or atheist, and will provide prayer support upon request.

To learn more about Rob and his work, visit the About Us page. Schedule a private meeting with Rob and join him for prayer and pastoral care in the Pet Chapel®.


If you have any questions about these services, contact facilitator Rob Gierka at

NOTE: While beneficial, the SPCA pet loss support group and the private sessions with Rob Gierka, EdD, are not intended to replace psychological counseling or physician recommendations.

Hearts and hands

Somewhere, there are people to whom we can speak with passion without having words catch in our throats. Somewhere a circle of hands will open to receive us, eyes will light up as we enter, voices will celebrate with us whenever we come into our own power. Community means strength that joins our strength to do the work that needs to be done. Arms to hold us when we falter. A circle of healing. A circle of friends. Someplace where we can be free.

Dreaming the Dark

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